Kevin G. Langan School :: Kevin G. Langan School :: Center For Disability Services New York

Kevin G. Langan School

Langan School provides educational services for K-12 students from 58 districts in the Capital District region and beyond, serving students who have multiple disabilities, autism and traumatic brain injuries. 


We work every day to make sure each student is receiving not only an education optimized for their unique needs, but also a full childhood and school experience, including friends and fun.

We have three ultimate goals for our graduates: independence, community inclusion and self-determination.

Click here for Educational Free Websites For All Students During School Closure


Contact Us:

314 South Manning Blvd.                                             

Albany, NY 12208

Telephone: 518-437-5680                                                                                                      

Fax: 518-437-5736                                                                                                                  

School Office Manager: Madaline Dederick


Langan School Staff:                                                                 

Deputy Executive Director for Children’s Services:  Amy Ross

Principal:  Amy Ross

Assistant Directors: Christine Carey, Kylie Davin, Samantha Durkee, and Kevin Church 

Manager of Clinical Services: Lynn Garcia (Speech Services), Patricia Timpanaro (OT & PT Services), Myra Batista (Behavior Services)

Director of Nursing: Kalotta Hemingway